2019: a year of renewal and growth for our firm

As we progress through 2020, it is worth reflecting briefly on the year gone by, and comparing it with 2018.
Here at Studio ASE, 2019 was a year of renewal in every sense: the construction and opening of our new headquarters enabled us to create an environment that is better suited to the type of work we do and more welcoming both for our staff and for the customers who come to visit us.
The new space at our disposal has enabled us to improve the way the business is organized, and finally equipped us with meeting rooms and offices where we can exchange ideas in a calm, focused environment. This enhances our ability to meet all our customers’ requirements, from better analysis of the work to be done, to adherence to the estimated timelines.
Extending our headquarters has enabled us to increase our staff numbers and invest in new software licenses, thus boosting our ability to meet all our customers’ requirements, all the way to finalizing the bill of materials for the launch of production on the basis of the design we produced, whether it involves mechanical design, reverse engineering or product industrialization.
While 2018 was a year of improvement and getting to know new customers, 2019 was a year of revolution, in which we achieved the significant goal of a 10% increase in revenues. All this paved the way for an excellent start to 2020… driving us to make new improvements every day and become a reference point for all our customers.